Friday, November 29, 2019
Assessment Methods Essays
Assessment Methods Essays Assessment Methods Essay Assessment Methods Essay The different assessment methods that are available are diagnostic, formative, summative, ipsative and norm-referenced. Assessment is a way to be able to discover how much learning has taken place in each session which i can then identify how much knowledge and skills have been gained by the students. It is essential to begin a course with an assessment of studentsâ⠢ prior learning in order for the teacher to pitch their teaching at the correct level and to ensure inclusion of all students learning needs. Before each student is accepted on to a course an initial assessment is taken place. This is called a diagnostic assessment. This is carried out to ensure that they are applying for the right course and level of qualification. This kind of assessment is based on maths and literacy which uses ICT to evaluate the learners before they enrol. In my practical lessons I always start with an assignment brief indicating and illustrating the tasks required for the workshop. Then the students will identify the risks in carrying out the work and the correct PPE to be worn to reduce the risks. My learners then identify the tools and materials required and list these in a requisition sheet. We will then go through this process as a whole group, with me asking questions to the whole group and individuals, this assessing allows me to see what learning has happened. Then I will demonstrate the tasks whilst questioning my learners to evaluate their knowledge on the tools and how to use them safely. I carry out a visual observation on each student as they attempt to do the task demonstrated -giving advice on how to improve and progress. Their work is then assessed, according to the set tolerances, by themselves initially and then me . Sometimes, depending on the task, if I notice, when observing a student, that they have made a slight mistake, then I will let it pass and see if they notice and can identify where they went wrong and if they can correct it. This is also a good opportunity to hold one-to-one or small group questioning. When assessing in my theory lessons I use a range of different methods. These can include questionnaire sheets, pop quizzes, class assignments work sheets as a group or as individual, multiple choice questions, videoed interviews, case studies and portfolios, depending on the subject. Personally I enjoy the classroom assignments as these are usually looking at a specific task which can carried out over a couple of sessions. I am able to give attention to all in the group and give sometimes examples of how tasks are relevant to the industry. Record keeping is an important key role of a teacher and the main aspect is to assist planning and set future learning goals to the learner. There are a number of ways of recording this information, depending on the course. These include tracker sheets from the awarding institutions, awarding bodies assignment feedback sheet, your own trackers/ feedback sheets, students discussion notes, employerâ⠢s feedback sheet, individual learning plans and copies of the learnerâ⠢s work. I complete a feedback sheet designed by my department for each assignment so that I can prove that the learner has carried out this task and been assessed. For my practical assignments I use a tick box against tolerances with comment boxes by each tolerance as well and at the end. Each assessment is also recorded on a tracking sheet so that progress can be easily checked for the individual or the group as a whole. My learners also produce a portfolio of evidence, which includes all the assessed work and photo evidence of any practical work carried out. These records show to the learners and awarding bodies how they are progressing and that we care and log their progress. They are also proof in case the learner loses their work, need to be kept to meet awarding bodies requirements, show that work has been internally and externally verified, meet inspection requirements and meet department and college requirements. All these records are important in proving the learnerâ⠢s achievements and have to be kept for a number of years.
Monday, November 25, 2019
20 Tourism Research Paper Topics and Ideas
20 Tourism Research Paper Topics and Ideas Nowadays, tourism appears to be one of the most developing sciences to research and study. Over the last decades, the industry of travel and tourism has evolved significantly, increasing its pace of common development year by year. What is more, it shows promise for the growth in the nearest future as well, providing the existing professional and career domains within the discipline with considerable potential. Therefore, today, tourism includes travel for business, travel for pleasure, touring and its theoretical and practical principles, and business related to tourists, their attracting and entertaining. Besides, tourism has a straightforward relation to the business of developing and operating various tours and tourist routes, including both local and international areas. Thus, you may find a great number of tourism research paper topics and ideas to conduct research. To find a captivating topic and develop it into an informative and valuable tourism research paper, you may read related research papers and other literary works, look through specialized journals, and visit libraries. If there are some instructions for choosing a tourism research paper topic provided by the professor, it is necessary to follow them strictly. Besides, some professors provide their students with a list of topics to choose from. In this way, you should read this list attentively and pick up the most captivating topic to research. Topic and Ideas for Tourism Research Paper Below you can find examples of topics for Tourism Research Paper: 1. Theoretical and Methodological Signs of Progress in Social Media and Their Influence on Tourism Nowadays, social media has a significant influence on international society. A great variety of applications and related programs appeared in recent years and revolutionized the ways of conducting tourism business as more and more people choose a destination point online, grounding on the information provided by different people on social media platforms. Besides, people can interact online, creating large groups and travel together, following the routes of the professional travelers provided on different internet resources. In this way, trip reports, posts on traveling, or personal reviews have a considerable influence on tourism in general. Thus, it is possible to state that social media plays an important role in the development of theoretical and methodological processes in different spheres related to domestic and international tourism that also include tourism behavior and interaction between local and international markets. The research on the point may be based on a range of previous research papers, recent studies, and related statistical facts. 2. Horse Tourism in the USA A great variety of recreational activities includes communication with animals and horses in particular. Thus, communication with horses helps people to improve their emotional well-being and obtain a new positive experience of outdoor recreation. Therefore, horse tourism is one of the developing spheres that include the management of tourists, various host activities, and development of local farms. In addition, you may research related tourist businesses on the territory of the country and their economic and social influence on the local communities. 3. Entrepreneurship and Its Development in a Sphere of Tourism Because entrepreneurship is associated with significant opportunities, innovations, and recognition, the topic of businesses behavior patterns in tourism provides a lot of captivating facts and figures to research and evaluate. Today, entrepreneurship in tourism has a straightforward relation to social issues and their solutions, introducing important innovations, and opening new economic perspectives to different regions. As a result, you may ground your research on entrepreneurship behavioral patterns in tourism and other spheres and evaluate the influence of the entrepreneurship on the development of local communities, providing the audience with the supportive facts and pieces of evidence. 4. Wildlife Activities in Tourism Wildlife activities become more and more popular among tourists from all around the globe. People like to be in touch with the natural environment and discover new beautiful places. What is interesting, the most popular of these activities are fishing and hunting. Because these activities tend to develop, they provide considerable ground for the tourism research paper. To conduct good research, you may use statistical facts, discuss popular wildlife activities and programs, and evaluate their influence on tourism in the region. 5. Nordic Tourism and Its Distinctive Features Nordic tourism is a special category of tourism popular among people who love nature and are not afraid of extreme weather conditions. Nordic tourism is completely different from tourism in luxurious hotels, providing people with the opportunity to focus more on the active rest. Thus, in this research paper, you may discuss and evaluate similarities and unique features of Nordic tourism to tourism in Europe or Asia and provide analogies with the development of tourism in other countries, which are popular among tourists. 6. Heritage Tourism in Europe In this research paper, you may evaluate the development of heritage tourism in different European countries. For sure, it is important to discuss the most attractive places for heritage tourism in these countries and evaluate the impact of this type of tourism on the economic and social spheres within these territories. The aim of this paper may be to keep the focus on the aesthetic dimension of heritage tourism and discover some potential links between aesthetical and contribution aspects of the particular historical places. 7. The Development of Sustainable Tourism Sustainable tourism has been developing at a fast pace, attracting more and more tourists to participate in it. Responsible consideration represented by related tourism companies towards the natural environment meets the demand for ecological tourism, allowing people to evaluate challenges caused by significant climate changes. Therefore, in this research paper, you may discuss demand perspectives on sustainable tourism and provide a theoretical and practical evaluation of its contributions to the local and international communities. 8. Wilderness Tourism and Its Influence on the Economy of Different Regions Wild territories attract a great variety of tourists and help to develop domestic tourism in many regions. Because the flow of tourist has a considerable influence on the development of the economy of these regions, this topic is great for a tourism research paper. By conducting this research, you may focus on the sustainability of this type of tourism, management of the wild territories, and the influence of the wilderness tourism on the development of particular regions. 9. Competitive Features in Tourism In this research paper, you may discuss the main trends of the competitiveness in tourism and evaluate the related issues. Today, tourism companies introduce more and more new approaches to attract clients from all over the world, develop new routes, and decrease travel costs to the lowest possible level. Therefore, the main competitive features are a connection with agents, optimization of the websites and related blogs, and considerable investments in advertisements and video marketing. The information for this research paper may be found in specialized books and journal articles. 10. Health Tourism, Its Development, and Current Trends In this research paper, you may discuss the rapid growth of private health communities, medical tourism in Asian countries, world standards of care and hospitality, and their influence on the development on the health tourism in general. Besides, it is important to discuss the rapid growth and development of the latest medical technologies and their influence on the development of health tourism in particular countries. 11. Trends in the Tourism Sector in Asian Countries Because Asian countries are famous for their nature and different attractions, they are still popular among tourists from all over the world. In this way, you may research economic opportunities of different Asian regions and their relation to the flow of tourists and evaluate future expansion in travels. All the necessary information may be found in specialized economic and tourism journals and books. 12. Quality of Hotels as the Most Decisive Factor in Attracting Tourists in the United Kingdom In this paper, you may discuss the quality of hotels as one of the most influential factors on the development of tourism in different regions of the UK. To conduct this research, it is necessary to collect the related information for the last several years, evaluate it thoroughly, and make a conclusion supported with facts and figures taken from official reports and specialized articles. 13. Environmental Factors That Influence Tourist Decisions This topic requires the researcher to discuss such environmental factors that influence tourist decisions as natural resources, natural environment, settings for relaxations and sports activities, and general and supportive infrastructures. In addition, it is important to evaluate such factors as social environment and tourism services, and facilities as they appear to be decisive for a significant number of tourists from different countries. 14. Ecotourism and Its Advantages to the Local Businesses Ecotourism has been developed rapidly for recent years. Because of the rapid growth, it provides significant economic opportunities to the local businesses, in this way, attracting investments, increasing the flow of tourists, and providing people with jobs. In addition, ecotourism allows local businesses to develop their production of eco products and improve supportive infrastructure. A lot of information on ecotourism and related topics may be found in special official reports and the official site of the particular communities. 15. Black or Dark Tourism and Its Impact on the Local Economy Black or dark tourism is a kind of tourism that involves visiting different places of significant tragedies and deaths. One of the greatest examples is the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland, Poenari Castle in Romania, and the Catacombs of Paris. Because many people visit these places annually, the local economy obtains a range of benefits from this type of tourism. Therefore, in order to conduct research, you may research official statistics, official reports, and articles in specialized journals. 16. Black or Dark Tourism as the Issue of Ethical Correctness Black or dark tourism is one of the most significant issues of ethical correctness as it promotes people to visit different places of significant tragedies and deaths. Therefore, this issue may become a great topic for the tourism research paper as it allows discovering the advantages and disadvantages of this type of tourism and evaluating its ethical correctness. 17. Terrorism and Its Effects on the Tourism Industry Terrorism has a considerable impact on the development of particular regions as terrorist attacks prevent tourists from visiting different popular places. Usually, people prefer not to risk and visit some other place or even some other country not to risk their lives and obtain only positive emotions from the trip. In this way, you may research regions where terrorism has had a negative influence on the development of the tourism industry, like Pakistan or Turkey, and make valuable conclusions on the point supported with statistical facts. 18. Brand Awareness as the Decisive Factor in the Hotel Industry The brand concept is a decisive factor in the development of the hotel industry. Therefore, you may research the concept of different successful brands in the industry, define their competitive features, and evaluate the influence of brand awareness on tourists. All the required information may be found in related books and articles on the hotel industry and its development. 19. Educational Tourism and Its Development in European Countries Educational tourism remains to be popular among students, school graduates, and their parents. Because the European system of education is well developed, and it provides high-quality knowledge, educational tourism is developed among the largest educational centers in Europe. In order to research the point, you may evaluate some statistical data, use information provided in specialized journals, and refer to books on educational tourism in Europe. 20. Tsunamis and Their Influence on the Tourism Industry in Malaysia Tsunamis have a significant influence on the tourism industry in Malaysia as they decrease the flow of tourists, tend to ruin supportive infrastructure, and decrease economic development within the country. The research paper on the point may be grounded on the official reviews of tsunamis in Malaysia, official reports provided by the government of the country, related articles published in specialized journals, and a number of previous research on the point. Conclusion Today, tourism is subdivided into large international and domestic branches, in this way, having a considerable impact on the development of the economy in different regions. Therefore, it provides a vast range of challenging and interesting topics and ideas to discuss and evaluate. You should remember that the topic should be narrow to ensure you can develop it properly, provide the reading audience with all the related information, and make comprehensive conclusions of the point. Besides, it is necessary for a student to ground research on reliable sources and use facts and pieces of evidence as support materials. Moreover, the paper should be written according to the instructions of the professor and contain citations of the materials used. As a result, conducting research for the tourism research paper allows learning a lot of captivating information about tourism in different countries, discover different types of tourism, witness its sufficient economic and social influence on the local and international communities, and use related facts and figures found in reliable sources. Finally, writing a tourism research paper allows you to understand the industry and its domestic and international branches better and learn basic principles of work with tourists, best approaches to manage historical places, and considerable differences in conducting tourism business in Europe, Asia, Africa, and other continents.
Friday, November 22, 2019
The Little, Brown Compact Handbook with APA Essay
The Little, Brown Compact Handbook with APA - Essay Example This is beneficial to the writer in that it allows them to include commonly known information into a paper without having to identify the proof for any, and all, facts that are included in that paper. The serial comma is a comma that is used when three or more items are listed, and is located at the end of the series of commas (Becker, 2011). This is helpful for the writer as it can be used to clarify potentially confusing lists of names. Furthermore, it allows the writer to include longer lists of information without creating ambiguity in their writing style. Finally, the APA has released a new way to identify online sources which is called a Digital Object Identifier or DOI (Lewis, 2008). This DOI allows writers to have continued access to a file once it has been found as this number is permanently attached to this article by an approved agency. This process is helpful in that is negates the need for a URL and retrieval date when citing online
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Poverty and Children in the United States Essay - 1
Poverty and Children in the United States - Essay Example The technological advancements and extraordinary industrialization has accelerated poverty rate in the country, and a large number of people is leading a miserable life as well as is deprived of the basic human needs even. Children are supposed to be one of the most affected strata of society that has become the victim of growing poverty in the country. Since children are not in a position to earn their bread, they are certainly dependent of their parents and guardians for the achievement of all basic necessities of life. Since the growing rate of poverty has decreased the earning and purchasing power of the adults, it has become really hard for them to feed their children properly within limited opportunities and resources at large. As a result, the children appear to be deprived of adequate and sufficient food, clothing and shelter on the one hand, and apposite education, health and transportation facilities on the other. ââ¬Å"According to figures released by the U.S. Census Bure au in September 1996, 13.8% of Americans live in poverty. Many more are on the borderline. Poverty affects all ages, but an astonishing 48% percent of its victims are children, as about 15 million children -- one out of every four -- live below the official poverty line. In addition, 22% of Americans under the age of 18 -- and 25% under age 12 -- are hungry or at the risk of being hungry.â⬠(Quoted in Scarcity of food and lack of regular and sufficient nutrition drastically tell upon the health and fitness of the children, which make them incapable of doing petty domestic chores even by lending a hand to their parents. Moreover, it has also become almost impossible for them to pay due heed to their studies and education. If a person is not allowed to have access to edibles essential for his growth and strength, it would not be possible for him to work efficiently. Hence, neither the growing are children capable of attending their schools for seeking educatio n regularly, nor can they show any performance in sports and games in the playgrounds. Consequently, the US society is mere preparing the sick, weak and untidy generation to run the political, social, economic and religious affairs of the country for the future years to come. According to the Connecticut Commission for Children, between 2001 and 2002 alone, the number of poor children in the U.S. rose from 11.7 to 12.1 million. In Connecticut, one in ten children lives in poverty. (2004: 2) The researches reveal the very fact that poverty has snatched smiles and giggling from the very lips of the poor children. Since modern technological era has helped in the development of mental capacities, the children are in a position to comprehend the natural and social phenomena in their environment. Moreover, the IT age has expanded the communication activities by improving the communication devices, the developments being made in various parts of the world can be watched and monitored throu gh the use of cable TV. The poor children also watch the same colorful activities and long for enjoying the same level of entertainment and recreation for them as well. However, since their down-trodden parents are unable to feed them even in an adequate mode, the question of providing such precious and costly recreational facilities to their innocent
Monday, November 18, 2019
Analyse the structure of the UK supermarket sector Assignment
Analyse the structure of the UK supermarket sector - Assignment Example According to the UK Retail Food Sector Market Brief, supermarkets made up for about 6400 stores with an estimated value of 98 billion pounds in 2008 (Sainsburys And Waitrose UK Supermarkets Porters 5 Forces Competitive Advantage, 2009). The UK grocery market has increased to 133.3 billion pound in 2007, which accounts for a 4 percent increase from that of 2006 (Nicholson, 2008, p. 3-4). The major supermarkets that occupy the bulk of the market share (almost 75 percent) are Tesco, Sainsburyââ¬â¢s, Asda (owned by American retailer Wal-Mart) and Morrisonââ¬â¢s. These are commonly known as the ââ¬Å"Big Fourâ⬠. The other retail chains include Marks and Spencer (UKââ¬â¢s biggest clothing marketer), Waitrose, Somerfield, Budgens, Netto Iceland, Aldi, and Lidl. Tesco is the largest non-food market chain in the UK which includes outlets like Extra, Homeplus, Metro and others. Each of these retailers focuses on some particular market section. Tesco for instance, marks the middle market offering economy as well as expensive products. Compared to Tesco, Sainsburyââ¬â¢s targets a little up-market while, Asda, a Wal-Mart chain and Morrisonââ¬â¢s focus a little down-market. Even Somerfield operate at the sam e level as Asda and the others namely, Budgens, Iceland, Aldi, Netto and Lidl are all price-focused retailers. Waitrose, a John Lewis Partnership, is however the most up-market retailer among all. Discount retailing has become a growing division of the grocery retailing in UK and Tesco ad Asda contest a strong competition in this field. Among them, the top position is occupied by Tesco, with a market share of 31.4 percent which is quite ahead of the other retail chains. Second to Tesco is Asda with a market share of 17.1 percent followed by Sainsburyââ¬â¢s occupying the third position. It covers 15.7 percent of the total market. Morrisonââ¬â¢s rank last among the four with a market share of 11.2 percent (Nicholson, 2008, p. 6-7). The market structure exhibited by the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Reflective learning journal
Reflective learning journal Reflective learning journal It is time to write the Reflective learning Journal at the end of this semester to conclude what we have learned from the Economics and Finance Engagement Project. Through reading outline, I realized that there was a great difference with other courses. First, almost all courses have mid-term exam and final exam; however, there are no any examinations in this course. Second, course arrangement is two hours in lecture and one hour in tutorial in other courses, while there is half an hour meeting with clients project sponsor in this course and two hours in group discussion. At the beginning of this course I felt that it would be simpler compared with other courses. In fact, I was wrong. I need to spend more time on this subject. Each week our group has group meeting in Cabramatta library, discussion always continue on two hours or the whole afternoon. After discussion, each member needs to spend long time on researching materials in internet and evaluating them. Although the process is hard, the result is wonderful. After the efforts of our teammates, our group has accomplished tenders and final reports on time. The communication skills, learning styles, information literacy, and data analysis has greatly improved through three months studying; it will be helpful for my postgraduate study and future works. In the tender documents I have mentioned that there are three units relevant to the project which is Investment, Project Management, and Statistics. Investment is relevant in regards to milestone seven which documents the retail and commercial opportunities Fairfield has in attracting office space leavers from Parramatta and Liverpool. Project Management is highly relevant to this project as time planning, material organizing, data analyzing, time controlling is all very crucial in ensuring the project successful and achieving all its objectives and milestones. Statistics is quite helpful as the project will need charts and tables to compare data and statistics and hence evaluate them. When our group has completed all the tasks, I found that Project Management plays the greatest role with the other two units. Investment theory is applied to the milestone seven. It is just recommends investors how to catch the opportunity in disadvantage situation. I mean that Fairfield has lowest pri ce, lowest quality and hardest to get transportation compared to Parramatta and Liverpool, why investors choose Fairfield rather than Parramatta or Liverpool? It is necessary to use investment theory to evaluate them. We have draw lots of charts and tables in the final reports to compare data, but the data analysis and evaluation are reflected from the Project Management. It can be said that project management in the tenders and final reports played a leading role in this project. Project Management tell us how to collect enough information in limited time, how to filter the most significant points from complex information. Although these three units play an important role in tenders and final reports, other economic and finance content is still need to add. For example, Macroeconomic and Market Model knowledge is widely used in final reports. Macroeconomics is a course that combined with the reality of the economic situation and development trend of the world. Our group found that there are a lot of retail rental advertisements in Parramatta, Liverpool, and Fairfield. The historic data show that the number of retail rental advertisements increasing in recent months. Whats more, the rent is cheaper than before. This fact is meeting to world economic situation. All we know that the world economics face to the hugest downturn in 21 century, during the financial crisis, many banks and large companies have declared bankruptcy. In Australia the impact of financial crisis is also considerable. The unemployment rate goes up nearly twice. Many small business investors are forced to give up their own business. It is quite normal that there are a lot of vacant retail stores in real estate agent website. Market Model is extremely relevant to the project; in particular the final objective where the concepts and strategies obtained in Marketing Principles will need to be implemented to evaluate the opportunities that Fairfield LGA has in attracting potential office space l eavers from Liverpool and Parramatta as well as introducing specific techniques to ensure this occurs. Macroeconomic have been learned in my sophomore, but Market principle have not learned now. In addition to, I think library is a good place for researching, discussion, studying. I can find any book I want to it. Except for the theories of economics, other learning skills and language abilities is especially needed for foreign student. Overseas students have to face language and cultural differences problem, for example, when I first meeting to the word ââ¬Å"tenderâ⬠, I confused it. I can not understand what the Chinese meaning of this word. My teammates explain the meaning of this word clearly for me. Overall, I still lack of sufficient knowledge to finish this course perfectly, it is force me to study harder and master more knowledge. Even if I have learned sufficient economic and finance knowledge, the emotion changes still have enormous impact on my learning. Particular to an overseas student who just arrived in Australia six months, it is very important for me to adjust psychological change. When I first meet this course I have a great interest in this project, each member of our group have enough enthusiasm to complete our own milestone. It is normal that disgusted with the project occasionally, because I must do lots of job in one day that included another subject assignment. This situation raises the pressure, and these pressures may come from learning, life and finance. For example, I accepted the East education nearly 15 years, so it is difficult for us to truly integrate into Western societies. What more, before I came to Australia, my parent give me lots of help when I needed. Without parents support, I am afraid to face some problem. On the other hand, I have to face language and cultural differences. I must thank our teachers spend long time on our foreign students and provide particularly concerns sometimes. I have improved myself a lot after I arrived in Australia. I was a shy, introverted student, and even performed unconfident sometimes. I would not like discussing with other group members at first. However, through four month communication, I have slowly started to change myself. I would like to talk with my teammates when I confused some problems and other life problems. So I really want to appreciate our group members, thanks for their serious, hard-working, humorous, and enthusiastic attitude to me. On one occasion, I should be completed my task that belong to my part, unfortunately, I must move house that day. I was so busy that I cleaned my home until 12 pm, it is really felt tried. When I intend to start my task, team leader send the SMS to me told me that I must be very tired for moving house, they have finished my part. I am really very grateful for their help. Both learning styles and education styles have different way in China and Australia. Although this is my first time experience the Western education, I already known that there are huge differences between Eastern educations with Western educations. Firstly, the different way was from the teaching methods. When I see our teacher Ingrid sitting at the table directly during the first class. It is amazing for me, because it looks like impolite for students in china. In fact, I find that the teachers purpose is wants to communicate with students more closely. However, this teaching method is impossible happened in China. In China every classroom has the podium and a blackboard in high school or university. The teacher is used to stand on the podium during the class. Secondly, from the student point of view, the distinction is even more apparent. If students meet problem in the class, we are willing to raise our hands to answer questions after the teachers permission or directly ask the teach er after the class finished. It is impolite for student to interrupt teacher lecture. Student need to keep silent in class in order to not disrupt teachers thinking. In Australia, I find every student is concentrated and activity in the class. Students can ask any questions without teachers permission in the class. For example, if any student feels their thoughts or ideas not the same as teachers idea, student will be asked it directly. However, It is a pity that teacher have to force student to answer questions in China, whats more, no one wants to give the answer even someone know the solution. Thirdly, there are few group discussions or group meeting in senior school or university in China. Even there is one group discussion in one semester which is a choice to chat with another topic that no relation with teachers topic. Whats more, most of students do not cherish these opportunities. All assignment completed independent by the most excellent students in the group without any as sistance. In fact, group meeting is important and useful in research or business. It is a good way to improve our team spirit. Reading and reference and that Chinese girl provide a lot of help. I have acknowledged some of the theories that I did not know. For example, from the Goldsteins articleâ⬠Service Learning and Teaching about Globalization, I learned that Service and Activist learning(SAL)is a way that analyze social problem by corporate with community, many students were attracted who hope the world be better in the future. Other opinion is that Globalization is not just the region different from north to south, and that combined with winners and losers in both economic worlds. In another article ââ¬Å"Increasing Creativity in Economics: The Service Learning Projectâ⬠by Hervani and Helms. In the figure 2 Service learning pedagogy: Steps and implementation procedure, it looks like our course procedure. I also understand that the profit of this project is a good chance for developing the critical thinking skills such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Our research topic relevant to soci al, I realized that there are lots of social problem still waiting for us to deal with them after research. The key values of service learning project are to improve the social awareness and caring, responsibility, accountability, critical thinking, creativity and active learning. That Chinese girl provides us lots of useful information, teaching us how to do the tender document, which part we should be attention to. In conclusion, I want to appreciate again our teachers Ingrid and Julianne, our teammates Brian, Ian, Linh, Kim and other people who always help me. Overseas students really have different experience with local students. From China to Australia is a very hard experience. First of all, we need to get great results in domestic examination. Followed by we spend long time to prepare for Ielts test, whats more, no one can guarantee your Ielts test result will be able to achieve what you wanted result, some students test 2 times, even more than 4 times 5 times. Visa through Australia government is also complex issues that we need to provide detailed information and sufficient finance source. Duration for Visa always last on one month. It can be said that overseas students harder than domestic students. So I cherished the opportunity to learn as much as possible I can.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Merger Problems -- No Problem :: essays research papers
I have documented in the previous paper for this class my beef with the authors: that they have a ready-made set of excuses absolving workers of all of the blame for downward spirals in productivity - rather, itââ¬â¢s the cold sterility of computer technology, or mergers, or globalization, or cost-cutting, or reengineering, or outsourcing, or some combination of the above that is to blame for the unraveling of the corporate culture as we know it. In the words of Charlie Brown, ââ¬Å"Good grief.â⬠Perhaps itââ¬â¢s because Iââ¬â¢ve never been a part of a strong, warm workplace culture, but I believe that the authors underestimate the value of just coming in, doing your job, and not worrying about having a social life or friends at work, and not carrying on about awful the employment landscape is today. Those things are all nice and might be life-affirming and lend "meaning" to a person's life, but doing the job is paramount to all of the above. (It's not polit ically correct to point this out.) Again, I want to reiterate a point I made in the previous paper: a job is a privilege, not a right. There is no more ââ¬Å"rightâ⬠to a job than there is a ââ¬Å"rightâ⬠to win the lottery. I am a terribly lucky, blessed person to have the job that I have, and I work for someone who has the reputation of being an absolute monster at times. But we have gotten so carried away with assigning rights we have no business assigning, rights that the recipients have no business having ascribed to them, that we forget that responsibilities are also involved. The concept of "rights without responsibilities" leads to anarchy, and virtual anarchy is the condition found in many factories and other places of employment today. And the fact that so many people have conspired to legitimize the crap put forth by the two authors - from the publishers to the universities that assign ââ¬Å"The New Corporate Culturesâ⬠as a text - makes me wonder if the world has not lost its co llective head. That said, the authors do make some good points about Merger Mania (the topic of Chapter 5) and its effect on organizational cultures, but they donââ¬â¢t offer solutions to the problems; rather, they tend to harp on the fact that the sacred employee is harmed in some way by the merger/ acquisition process.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Macbeth Quotes
Violence Quotes Lady Macbeth Come, you spirits That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full Of direst cruelty! make thick my blood; Stop up the access and passage to remorse, That no compunctious visitings of nature Shake my fell purpose, nor keep peace between The effect and it! Come to my woman's breasts, And take my milk for gall, you murdering ministers, (1. 5. 46-54) Macduff I shall do so, But I must also feel it as a man. I cannot but remember such things were That were most precious to me. 4. 3. 261-264) Macbeth From this moment The very firstlings of my heart shall be The firstlings of my hand. And even now, To crown my thoughts with acts, be it thought and done! The castle of Macduff I will surprise, Seize upon Fife, give to the edge o' the sword His wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls That trace him in his line. (4. 1. 168-176) Ambition Quotes Macbeth My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical, Shakes so my single s tate of man that function Is smother'd in surmise, and nothing is But what is not. (1. 3. 60-163) Lady Macbeth Glamis thou art, and Cawdor; and shalt be What thou art promised: yet do I fear thy nature; It is too full o' the milk of human kindness To catch the nearest way: thou wouldst be great; Art not without ambition, but without The illness should attend it: (1. 5. 15-20) Banquo My noble partner You greet with present grace and great prediction Of noble having and of royal hope, That he seems rapt withal. To me you speak not. If you can look into the seeds of time, And say which grain will grow and which will not,Speak then to me, who neither beg nor fear Your favors nor your hate. (1. 3. 61-68) Guilt Quotes Lady Macbeth Naught's had, all's spent, Where our desire is got without content. ââ¬ËTis safer to be that which we destroy Than by destruction dwell in doubtful joy. (3. 2. 6-9) Macbeth Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood Clean from my hand? No. This my hand wi ll rather The multitudinous seas incarnadine, Making the green one red. (2. 2. 81-84) Wake Duncan with thy knocking! I would thou couldst! (2. 2. 96) Macbeth Quotes Violence Quotes Lady Macbeth Come, you spirits That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full Of direst cruelty! make thick my blood; Stop up the access and passage to remorse, That no compunctious visitings of nature Shake my fell purpose, nor keep peace between The effect and it! Come to my woman's breasts, And take my milk for gall, you murdering ministers, (1. 5. 46-54) Macduff I shall do so, But I must also feel it as a man. I cannot but remember such things were That were most precious to me. 4. 3. 261-264) Macbeth From this moment The very firstlings of my heart shall be The firstlings of my hand. And even now, To crown my thoughts with acts, be it thought and done! The castle of Macduff I will surprise, Seize upon Fife, give to the edge o' the sword His wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls That trace him in his line. (4. 1. 168-176) Ambition Quotes Macbeth My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical, Shakes so my single s tate of man that function Is smother'd in surmise, and nothing is But what is not. (1. 3. 60-163) Lady Macbeth Glamis thou art, and Cawdor; and shalt be What thou art promised: yet do I fear thy nature; It is too full o' the milk of human kindness To catch the nearest way: thou wouldst be great; Art not without ambition, but without The illness should attend it: (1. 5. 15-20) Banquo My noble partner You greet with present grace and great prediction Of noble having and of royal hope, That he seems rapt withal. To me you speak not. If you can look into the seeds of time, And say which grain will grow and which will not,Speak then to me, who neither beg nor fear Your favors nor your hate. (1. 3. 61-68) Guilt Quotes Lady Macbeth Naught's had, all's spent, Where our desire is got without content. ââ¬ËTis safer to be that which we destroy Than by destruction dwell in doubtful joy. (3. 2. 6-9) Macbeth Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood Clean from my hand? No. This my hand wi ll rather The multitudinous seas incarnadine, Making the green one red. (2. 2. 81-84) Wake Duncan with thy knocking! I would thou couldst! (2. 2. 96)
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Common Animal Questions and Answers
Common Animal Questions and Answers The animal kingdom is fascinating and often inspires a number of questions from both the young and old. Why do zebras have stripes? How do bats locate prey? Why do some animals glow in the dark? Find answers to these and other intriguing questions about animals. Why Do Some Tigers Have White Coats? Researchers from Chinas Peking University have discovered that white tigers owe their unique coloration to a gene mutation in the pigment gene SLC45A2. This gene inhibits the production of red and yellow pigments in white tigers but does not appear to alter black. Like orange Bengal tigers, white tigers have distinctive black stripes. The SLC45A2 gene has also been associated with light coloration in modern Europeans and in animals such as fish, horses, and chickens. The researchers advocate for the possible reintroduction of white tigers into the wild. Current white tiger populations only exist in captivity as wild populations were hunted out in the 1950s. Do Reindeer Really Have Red Noses? A study published in the BMJ-British Medical Journal reveals why reindeer have red noses. Their noses are abundantly supplied with red blood cells through the nasal microcirculation. Microcirculation is the flow of blood through tiny blood vessels. Reindeer noses have a high density of blood vessels that supply a high concentration of red blood cells to the area. This helps to increase oxygen to the nose and to control inflammation and regulate temperature. The researchers used infrared thermal imaging to visualize the reindeers red nose. Why Do Some Animals Glow In the Dark? Some animals can emit light naturally due to a chemical reaction in their cells. These animals are called bioluminescent organisms. Some animals glow in the dark to attract mates, to communicate with other organisms of the same species, to lure prey, or to expose and distract predators. Bioluminescence occurs in invertebrates such as insects, insect larvae, worms, spiders, jellyfish, dragonfish, and squid. How Do Bats Use Sound to Locate Prey? Bats use echolocation and a process called active listening to locate prey, typically insects. This is particularly helpful in clustered environments where sound can bounce off of trees and leaves making it more difficult to locate prey. In active listening, bats adjust their vocal cries emitting sounds of variable pitch, length, and repetition rate. They can then determine details about their environment from the returning sounds. An echo with a sliding pitch indicates a moving object. Intensity flickers indicate a fluttering wing. Time delays between cry and echo indicate distance. Once its prey has been identified, the bat emits cries of increasing frequency and decreasing duration to pinpoint its preys location. Finally, the bat emits what is known as the final buzz (rapid succession of cries) before capturing its prey. Why Do Some Animals Play Dead? Playing dead is an adaptive behavior used by a number of animals including mammals, insects, and reptiles.Ã This behavior, also called thanatosis, is most often employed as a defense against predators, a means to catch prey, and as a way of avoiding sexual cannibalism during the mating process. Are Sharks Color Blind? Studies on shark vision suggest that these animals may be completely color blind. Using a technique called microspectrophotometry, researchers were able to identify cone visual pigments in shark retinas. Of the 17 shark species studied, all had rod cells but only seven had cone cells. Of the shark species that had cone cells, only a single cone type was observed. Rod and cone cells are the two main types of light sensitive cells in the retina. While rod cells can not distinguish colors, cone cells are capable of color perception. However, only eyes with different spectral types of cone cells can distinguish different colors. Since sharks appear to have only a single cone type, it is believed that they are totally color blind. Marine mammals such as whales and dolphins also have only a single cone type. Why Do Zebras Have Stripes? Researchers have developed an interesting theory as to why zebras have stripes. As reported in the Journal of Experimental Biology, zebras stripes help to ward off biting insects such as horseflies. Also known as tabanids, horseflies use horizontally polarized light to direct them toward the water for laying eggs and to locate animals. The researchers state that horseflies are more attracted to horses with dark hides than those with white hides. They concluded that the development of white stripes prior to birth helps to make zebras less attractive to biting insects. The study indicated that the polarization patterns of reflected light from zebra hides were consistent with stripe patterns that were least attractive to horseflies in tests. Can Female Snakes Reproduce Without Males? Some snakes are capable of reproducing asexually by a process called parthenogenesis. This phenomenon has been obeserved in boa constrictors as well as in other animals including some species of shark, fish, and amphibians. In parthenogenesis, an unfertilized egg develops into a distinct individual. These babies are genetically identical to their mothers. Why Dont Octopuses Get Tangled in Their Tentacles? Hebrew University of Jerusalem researchers have made an interesting discovery that helps answer the question of why an octopus doesnt get tangled up in its tentacles. Unlike in the human brain,Ã the octopus brain does not map out the coordinates of its appendages. As a result, octopuses dont know where their arms are exactly. To prevent the octopuss arms from grabbing the octopus, its suckers will not attach to the octopus itself. The researchers state that an octopus produces a chemical in its skin that temporarily prevents the suckers from grabbing. It was also discovered that an octopus can override this mechanism when necessary as evidenced by its ability to grab an amputated octopus arm. Sources: Cell Press. White tiger mystery solved: Coat color produced by single change in pigment gene. ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 23 May 2013. ( Medical Journal. Experts discover why Rudolphs nose is red. ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 17 December 2012. ( F (2006) The Sound of Dinner. PLoS Biol 4(4): e107. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0040107.Springer ScienceBusiness Media. Are sharks color blind?. ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 19 January 2011. ( Journal of Experimental Biology. How the zebra got its stripes. ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 9 February 2012. ( Press. How octopuses dont tie themselves in knots. ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 15 May 2014. (
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
, we have approached the Technological Revolution. Essays
, we have approached the Technological Revolution. Essays , we have approached the Technological Revolution. This high-tech revolution has brought with it many changes that will inevitably effect every world citizen. It is not quite clear at this time exactly what these changes will be and what resulting effects they will have upon society, but by studying the previous, or Industrial, revolution, it is possible to make predictions about the sweeping changes that the Technological Revolution will bring with it. During the Industrial Revolution in turn of the century America, one of the most prominent trends throughout the country was the relocating of independent artisans and farmers to large industrialized cities in hopes of finding work. As the next revolution approaches, the exact opposite effect will take place. The population that relocates out of large cities will most likely move into suburbs of the cities they have just left, because, even though they do not need to live very near to their place of employment, it is still more convenient to be located somewhere near it. This is mainly due to the improved transportation and communication that the Technological Revolution is bringing with it. It is no longer required for workers to live near their place of work because of the automotive vehicles we have in America, and our communication systems which allow employers to contact their employees quickly and over great distances. The most common type of work available during the Industrial Revolution was manual labor factory jobs. In the third wave of history, the careers that will be most popular among American citizens will be ones which involve the processing and distributing of information. Due to the type of labor most utilized in the Industrial Revolution, the most valued worker was one who was physically strong and was able to work over long periods of time. In the Technological Revolution, the most valued workers will be those....
Monday, November 4, 2019
Wold Cultures Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Wold Cultures - Term Paper Example The Judaism art dates back to the biblical times judging by the various piece of architecture and other artistic works described in the Bible. It is worth noting that the Jews have been conservative for a long time and this can be explained in their artistic works. The Jews are notorious for their Christian believes and the teachings of the Bible, which prohibits sculptured image. Hall (99) says that the second Mosaic commandments state ââ¬Å"You shall not make for yourself a sculpture that resembles anything in earth or in heavenâ⬠. Despite the fact that the Bible expressly prohibits art, the Jewish have a history of rich artistic work and several artists with global reputation. Most Jewish arts get their inspiration from the Bible. The Biblical Jezebel literally means ââ¬Å"in the shadow of protection of Godâ⬠. Jezebel was a Jewish Artisan who was anointed by God with the sole purpose of building a tabernacle. Therefore, in order to have a holistic view of the Jewish culture the concept earliest works of Judaism is seen from Godââ¬â¢s commandment to Jezebel. The prowess with which the Jewish conducted their arts has received praise from the Bible judging by the beautiful work that has characterized the construction of the First temple that was constructed in Jerusalem during the leadership of King Solomon. The temple was overlaid with gold and decorated with Cherum (1Kings 6). Moreover, the beauty of the second temple is apparent; the second temple was popularly referred to as Herodââ¬â¢s Temple. According to Howard & Ian (112), Tractate Succot attest to the beauty of this church by saying that none who is yet to see the Herodââ¬â¢s Temple h as ever seen a glorious building. Even after the destruction of the second temple in Jerusalem, the Jewish art continued to flourish. In fact, the Judaism art spilled outside Israel, which is the foundation of the Jewish culture. The beautiful works of Judaism art is evident in the Beit
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Water shadow Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Water shadow - Essay Example is structured into diverse parts that include the formation of water wave shadows, factors that contribute to their formation, how water waves move, and the strength of water wave vibration when an object is placed in a water tank. The structures promote the understanding of how water waves movement influence life on atmospheric of the building. The key observations or propositions evident are that, the used of the physical theories and case studies to understand the theoretical framework, test ideas and evaluate the potential for an architecture and design project that highlights awareness of the metaphysical. The paper also covers the role of reflection in enabling individuals to notice the shadows and water waves. As hypothesized, water waves shadow is outlined to how effective atmosphere can be created in architecture through invisible media? The invisible waves also show the interaction that exists between water, audience, and light. This highlights the importance of the atmosph ere and human beings in the development of architectural designs building. Water waves are beams that cause immense ripple effect as the intensity of light from a particular source increases. The waves also promote cultural practices in various communities as they enable individuals to formulate viable ideas and shape perceptions on the nature of atmosphere including how people interact. Notably, water waves are a unique type of waves as compared to light and sound waves since they show up in various substances. There interaction within the space is also imperative in promoting effective design of buildings. Effective interaction enlightens individuals knowledge on the kind of design that is necessary towards the realization of harmony, peace, and wellbeing in the atmosphere. In most cases, the shadows are evident in liquid substances especially on the underneath part of tanks where they show up. The shadows are characterized with high wavelength capacity, lack of clarity underneath
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